be unapologetically you.


stand out.

we tend to underestimate the impact our mindset can have on the World around us. an era of passionless, effortless, regurgitations currently plague the creative industry by destroying identity in art, and we as consumers are fueling the incinerator; too lazy to challenge the status quo.

The Mind Behind


What started as a mindless pastime has become a lifelong project and mission for young dreamer, Jael Tyes.

Born and raised in the culturally encapsulating city of Tulsa, OK, Tyes developed a burning passion for artistic forms earlier than he could walk. Raised at the dawn of the digital age and on some of the most iconic art pieces to grace human senses, he developed a quite diverse palette that serves as a foundation for each project he releases today; all original compositions sparked by the theme and tonal impact of some of humanity’s favorite works throughout history. The same inspirational track applies to all ProjectEXO releases, as there is no better creative inspiration than creation itself.

“A mind enchanted by artistic expression often indicates exposure to the world’s true colors” - Jael Tyes

Growing up in a dangerously underprivileged and resource-deprived community, Tyes was quickly introduced to the residual effects of a failure to innovate. Facing seemingly every possible environmental obstacle and being forced to rely on severely underfunded institutions in communities that haven’t been economically tended to in decades, success can seem like a distant grasp; until you change perspective. Tyes was able to get creative with his time and available resources and engage in activities such as dance, poetry, and musical composition, which allowed him to mentally escape the circumstances that have indefinitely trapped countless others.

“The only real revolution happens inside of you” - J. Cole

ProjectEXO exists as an encouragement to others to create pieces in their own image. Today, the creative industry is filled with repeats and remakes; products of a copy-and-paste culture fostered by a generation of lazy minds seeking efficiency. This can no longer be what passes for art. Art was born from the natural desire to express vision, to pass along these expressions as timestamps in history. We must appreciate the real, the raw, the organic emotion and passion that many artists pour into their craft. But first, we need a revolution.

“The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance

— Aristotle